MEET Donna

What is your background?

The majority of my career has been spent in roles that consist of Life Coaching and Leadership Development/Training.

What do you do at HiViz?

Job Title: Executive Assistan
Start Date: Dec. 27, 2022
Describe your work/day-to-day: As the resident calendar ninja, my day kicks off with a precision check of Sam, the CEO’s schedule. Juggling events, travel plans, meetings, emails and more is all in a day’s work. This schedule provides opportunities to share leadership insights and sprinkle in coaching tips with the team.

What is your favorite HiViz memory?

Giving Sam golf lessons in the foyer at HiViz!

What is your “why” at HiViz?

Helping others save lives!!!

Where are you from originally?

Zirconia, NC

Hit us with all your ‘most likely’ ideas for the team

Sam – most likely to break into spontaneous song and dance during a serious meeting.
John – Most likely to win a push-up contest.
Jenae – Most likely to have a stash of office supplies that everyone borrows.

What is a food combination people eat frequently that you can’t get behind?

The combination of raw tomatoes plus anything – yuck.