MEET Michael

What do you do at HiViz?

Job Title: Embedded Systems Engineer
Start Date: September 6, 2022
Describe your work/day-to-day: I write firmware and software for Firetech products.

What drew you to HiViz?

The high performance, yet, inviting culture as well as the location.

What is your favorite HiViz memory?

Receiving the first OMEN pre-production samples.

What is your “why” at HiViz?

I am able to work in an environment where I feel I can continually improve my craft unrestricted.

Where are you from originally?

Tampa, Florida

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I’m a juggler.

What is a food combination people eat frequently that you can’t get behind?

Coffee with artificially flavored creamer.

Quote you live by

Better every day

Song you can’t stop listening to

Parks on Fire by Trifonic

Book you could read over and over again

Dys:/function: Prelude

Best advice you were given

Accept gifts that are freely given

Would you rather always have to use a spoon (no forks) or only use chopsticks?

easy, chopsticks