MEET Steve

What is your background?

I started in the fire service for Marion County fire rescue as a paid FF/EMT, then spent a few years at E-One, a fire truck manufacturer in Ocala. have two boys, 8 and 9 years old and we enjoy spending time on the water and fishing. I also LOVE scuba diving.

What do you do at HiViz?

Job Title–Regional Sales Manager–South East
Start Date: May 29, 2024

What drew you to HiViz?

I love fire trucks! I was super impressed by the culture and the customer service of HiViz while I was at E-One and impressed by how bright the LEDs are.

Where are you from originally?

Miami, Florida

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I LOVE scuba diving.

What is a food combination people eat frequently that you can’t get behind?

Pizza and ranch dressing. GROSS

Best advice you were given?

You have 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth. That means you should watch and learn twice as much as you speak.

Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?

I would definitely rather fight a horse-sized duck because I would break it and ride it everywhere.

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